Monday, August 25, 2008

And I am done with Olympics

The Olympic Games have ended. This post completes my blog trilogy on the Olympics which involved in-depth analysis and comprehensive coverage of the games which I followed diligently. Diligently, that is when ever I could find time to switch channels from cricket.

During one such channel flip, I caught some swimming action. There were these beautiful legs coming out of water and moving in perfect synchrony. Occasionally, the lovely ladies to whom the legs belonged would surface up and continue their synchronized swimming. It was such a delight to watch. I mean the legs; I don’t care much about synchronization, anyway.

This event got me thinking (here comes the in-depth analysis part), why don’t we have synchronized swimming for men ?. My guess is that the event would not really be popular. Think about it, a bunch of men sticking their hairy legs out of water. How many would pay to see that (apart from Karan Johar, that is) ?. Thankfully, men don’t insist being on parity with women here.

On the other hand, women would not want to be a part of some sports. For example, sumo wrestling for women isn’t all that popular. Not because men don’t want to see it but more so because the sport demands that women put on weight deliberately. And how many would want to do that !!. But the toughest act is for the husband of a sumo wrestler, he always has a minefield to dodge.

“Dear, do I look fat in this dress ?”

“Yeah...umm...No...umm...It does not matter...umm...I think I will just shoot myself instead”

The poor man is in for trouble no matter what. And you don’t want to piss off a sumo wrestling wife, do you ?. Good thing that sumo wrestling is not an Olympic sport.

Coming back to the Beijing Olympics, I must admit, China did put on a grand show. It would be a tough act for England to follow. I have a dream when one day India will host the Olympics. Of course, I also have dreams of being the most admired man in the world, going on a date with Charlize Theron and winning the Nobel Prize for blogging. The Olympics dream will have to get in line.

So the next blog post on sports will be four years from now. I would like to conclude this post with the Olympic motto “Citius Altius Fortius”

I could translate it but it’s all Latin to me…..

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