Monday, June 10, 2013

Changing times

“How times have changed” I tell myself as I reminisce on the past while also thanking the autocorrect feature for fixing my spelling of reminisce.

The reason for this attack of nostalgia is that a few weeks ago, I met up with a couple of my friends. And soon we were talking about...well...cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and hair line issues.

Heck, fifteen years ago, the same group, and we would talk about career, ambition and possibility of winning the Nobel Prize (if by any chance they decide to create a “pretty unimpressive in whatever he does” category).

In a span of fifteen years, we have gone from winning the Nobel Prize to avoiding stairs.

I cannot help thinking, a few decades down the line if we all got together, what would our conversation be like

AG: “The hip replacement surgery went well, you should see my new hip, it’s awesome”

SV: “That’s nothing, you should see my new dentures, they are awesome”

Me: “Well, you should see my six pack abs, they are awesome”

Well, as long as I am making up stuff, I reserve the right to create imaginary six packs for an eighty year old me. And don’t you dare complain or I will give you senile dementia, it’s my blog after all.

But age does sneak up on all of us. The secret is to stop counting the years.

Wait, that sounded more insightful than I what I was aiming for. What I meant was, to stop counting the years and add the months instead.

“How old are you ?”
“I am 29”
“What !!!”
“and 84 months”

Because it is always the years that people are concerned with and not the months.

But there is an upside to getting older, somehow whatever the elderly say seem to carry a little more weight. Picture yourself conversing with an eighty year old.

“The dress sense of the youth of this country is going to dogs”
“I am sure you are right sir”
“The fiscal policy needs restructuring”
“Yes sir absolutely”
“Sunny Leone is super hot”
“Huh !..what a creepy old man”

Well, as we can see, it does not work always. With all due respect to the temperature increasing abilities of Sunny Leone, eighty year olds should stick to making observations on the sad state of youth today which we can all ignore as effects of senile dementia.

So while getting older has its benefits, it also comes with some caveats. The trick is in knowing when to stop blabbering, just like in the case of this post.

If somehow you found this post juvenile, that is because I am just 15...and...