Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Traffic Jams

There is a lesser known story in the Bible

And God said "Moses, take the children of Israel to safety and you have two options to do that, either take them through Bangalore or attempt the impossible". Moses took one look at the streets of Bangalore and decided that impossible was better so he parted the red sea.
- Exodus 41

Every time I am stuck in a traffic jam, I fervently wish for the power that Moses had. I want to waive my hand and split the traffic in two and zip through the space in between.

Since that power eludes me, I do the next best thing……curse. It gives me great satisfaction shouting obscenities at the world around with the car window rolled up, knowing that they cannot hear me. I admit it does not clear the traffic jam but I am improving my vocabulary big time...and if you have a problem with that, I don't give a hoot, you pontificating ignoramus. See..!!

Traffic jams give me an opportunity to reflect on more meaningful questions of life like "Is this radio jockey as hot as she sounds ?".

I also get a kick out of seeing that the guy in the Mercedes Benz to my left is moving at the speed of a Manmohan Singh speech just like me and his multi cylinder, gazillion horsepower, freakishly expensive car is just as good as my little excuse of a car. But I am not sure why the guy on the bicycle next to me has a wry smile on his face as he looks at me.

Of course, there are other techniques of avoiding frustration during a traffic jam but all of them involve a bazooka mounted on the bonnet.

But remember that the best way to handle a traffic jam is to enjoy it. I do that most when I am looking at one standing from the balcony of my office.


Anonymous said...

May be the guy on the bicycle cursed the guy in the nice car with windows rolled up when he didn't notice? ;-)

Sundari said...

LOL :)). Good one! But I think the guy on the bicycle has a wry smile because he would have thought that the mode of transport does not really matter in Bangalore!

Ruth said...

I cant understand where you come up with these funny analogues.Anyway,good one! Spare us by not adding new chapters in the Bible.As such I don't have enough time to read the ones present:-)

Saaveri... said...

Traffic james have made celebrities out of RJs and bicycle guys..:)-